Statistical analysis and growing minor league analysis. YES. Several Free and pay. HELL YES!
In depth minor league and prospect analysis. Major league trade analysis. YES. Several Free and pay. YES!
Historical major league statistics. No. Users support the site by sponsoring pages. It's free and sponsorships are cheap.
Historical statistics, including minor league and college. No. Users support the site by sponsoring pages. It's free and sponsorships are cheap.
Fantasy baseball. Yes. Several prospects to fit needs of fantasy baseball freaks, but also great general info. It's free to look. If you have a fantasy itch, scratch it here.
Historical stats and entries including quotes and jersey numbers. Yes. Support the site via donation. It's free.




Historical box scores. No. But there is a Listserv. Support the site via donation. Possibly the best site on the internet because of content.
Win Shares, graphs, win probability.. No. Support the site via donation. Lots more tables than graphs. You can spend hours trying to figure out if you know what you know.
Charted data, video and view of homeruns. No. Support the site via donation.

How long can you watch homeruns being hit?

...still counting...

Data, conversation, analysis and opinion. No. Support the site via donation. You can get lost in the comments. Forest, trees, etc. But that's what it's about.
Stats, commentary and analysis. No. Support the site via donation. I am the first person to admit my guilt in lack of creative design...
Statistical analysis, commentary, opinion (lots of). Yes. An Annual. A bit more in your face than BP. Some refer to THT as Smug BP.




Writer who happens to write about baseball. Yes. Many books. No. But buy his books. It's Rob Neyer.
Bring your thinking cap. Advanced statistical analysis. No. No. Fist through the screen site that knocks you down with analysis and continues to pummel you. Tango's a good guy, too.